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Saturday, November 16, 2019 - 13:15
Trading Forex Signals
We are a forex Signals provider. If you want to try our system please register to our Best forex signals
Once in a few months we give a online lessons to EA and OOP developers on MT open source.
Trading Signals Introduction
Basics is a collection of widely used Forex technical indicators and trading systems. The Basics experts can notify traders of certain market conditions or conditions that are specific to the indicator each expert is based upon. We provide these with open source and recommend you use these as templates if you decide to program your own Expert Advisor.
In the Online lessons we explain who EA helps you manage your Take Profit levels by allowing you to close portions of your trade at different Take Profit levels. Trading Signals the new percentage allocation (or "split close") option permits traders to create up to four Take Profit levels with a customizable percent of trade closed as each profit level is reached.
The EA also has the ability to update the stop loss* each time the position is partially closed. Using the MOVE_SL settings of 1 for a buy, for example, will move the stop loss 1 pip above the entry price, and for a sell, 1 pip below the entry price. A MOVE_SL setting of 10 for a buy will move the stop loss 10 pips above the entry price, and for a sell, 10 pips below the entry price.
Forex Signals
To apply this EA, drag and drop the EA from the Navigator's Experts list on top of you chart. In the inputs, make sure to enter the Ticket number of the "original" trade, set your other settings and click on ok.
If you plan on using EA and trading signals our 3 hours lessens will give you the basic method for develop OOP.
Trading Signals Getting Started
Before you start developing, you need to acquainted with some features of the OOP, which will be used in our lessen.
Of course, we will use structures and classes. These are the basics of object oriented languages. What is the structure, what is the class and how do they differ?
A structure is a construction that allows containing a set of variables and functions of different types.
A class as well as the structure is a set of data fields. But a class is a more complicated and "Flexible" construction. Classes are the basic concept of the OOP.
Now let's consider classes. All class fields are divided into two types. These are data members (variables, arrays, etc.) and functions defined inside a class.
Data members are usually called class properties, because when an object is created from a class, data members reflect exactly properties of this object. For example, if this is a geometric shape - circle, the properties will contain its radius, line width, shape color, i.e. the object properties.
Functions defined inside a class are called methods. They are used both for working with class properties and implementing any other algorithms, which are programmed in them.
The object oriented programming has the notion of incapsulation. This is the possibility to hide data and implementation of an object from the direct influence of a user (application programmer). A programmer gets only documentation that describes using what methods one can change object properties, while changing object properties directly is impossible.
Such protection measures are necessary in cases, when a number of checks are required before changing a property value. All required checks are implemented in methods, and in case they are performed successfully, they allow changing the property value. And in the case when a user has direct access to the properties, these checks are not performed, and as a result the property value can be set incorrectly, and the MQL program will not work appropriately.